Monday 8 August 2011


Text Messaging-- If you have ever received a SMS or text-based online message that seemed to be written in a foreign language, this Webopedia Quick Reference list of text abbreviations will help you translate the chat lingo by providing the definitions to more than 1,299 text message abbreviations.
With the popularity and rise in real-time text-based communications, such a FB, Twitter, instant messaging, e-mail, Internet and online gaming services, chat rooms, discussion boards and mobile phone text messaging (SMS), came the emergence of a new language tailored to the immediacy and compactness of these new communication media.

While it does seem incredible that there are thousands of chat and text message abbreviations, remember that different chat abbreviations are used by different groups of people when communicating online. Some of the following chat abbreviations may be familiar to you, while others may be foreign because they are used by a group of people with different online interests and hobbies than your own. For example, people playing online games are likely to use chat abbreviations that are different than those used by someone running a financial blog updating their Twitter status.
Our complete set of chat guides offers definitions and translations for texting, chat, Twitter, online auction, online personals, classified ad and smiley face abbreviations.
1. Text Message Abbreviations
2. Smiley Faces and Emoticons
3. Online Auction and Classified Ad abbreviations
4. Online Personals Abbreviations
5. Twitter Chat Dictionary
6. Guide to Forum Etiquette
2. Part II: Guide to Understanding Text Smiley Faces and Icons
Back to Page 1: Chat Abbreviations
Page 2: Smiley Faces & Emoticons
Page 3: Online Auction Abbreviations
4. Smiley Faces - Showing Emotions In Text Chat
5. A 'smiley face', often called a smiley or emoticon, is used in text communications to convey an emotion with a text message. Smiley faces are used in the same way that a person's voice changes or how facial expressions are used in face-to-face conversation. For example, if you were joking with someone and send a text message saying "GAL (get a life)" the person receiving your message may think you are making a rude comment to them. If you send the same message with a "happy smiley" : ) following the text, the person would then understand you were "smiling" - or joking around when you said that. GAL :)
6. Showing emotions through characters in text messaging helps the receiver correctly interpret your intent and meaning.
7. To create a smiley face you use your standard keyboard characters and punctuation marks in sequences that look like facial expressions might. When viewing text smiley faces, they are all sideways. Here are some basics to get you started in understanding what the faces are:
8. The close bracket represents a sideways smile )
Add in the colon and you have sideways eyes :
Put them together to make a smiley face :)
Use the dash - to add a nose :-)
Change the colon to a semi-colon ; and you have a winking face ;) with a nose ;-)
Put a zero 0 (halo) on top and now you have a winking, smiling angel 0;) with a nose 0;-)
Use the letter 8 in place of the colon for sunglasses 8-)
9. Some chat and instant message programs will automatically translate text smiley faces into graphical emoticons. In AOL Instant messenger (AIM), for example, if you type out the characters to make a "happy face" followed by "sad face" followed by "cool sunglasses" you would enter the following characters:
10. :) :( 8-)
11. Once you've entered the text however, AIM converts the smiley text to graphics, if it can recognize the smiley pattern, and what you see on the screen in your AIM window will look like this:
13. Here are few examples of different smiley faces and their meanings:
14. Smiley Icon and their meaning
Icon Meaning
:) Standard smile
:-) With nose
:-E Buck-tooth or Vampire
>-) Evil grin
:( Sad or frown smile
:-( Sad with nose
:-< Super sad :P Sticking tongue out (raspberry) (((H))) Hugs :-X Kiss on the lips `:-) One eyebrow raised :^) A broken nose :-& tongue tied E-:-) a Ham radio operator <:-) Uni-brow :-> Big grin happy
(-}{-) Couple kissing
:-Q Smoking
$_$ Greedy
@@ Rolling your eyes
Icon Meaning
:-# With braces
:'-) Happy Crying
{:-) Toupee smile
;) Winking smile
;-) Winking smile with nose
O:-) I'm an angel (boy)
O*-) I'm an angel (girl)
|-O Yawn
(:-D Gossip, blabbermouth
@>--;-- Rose
@-}--- Rose
())>--- Rose
=^.^= Cat
O.o Confused
C=:-) A chef
(___)0 A bunny
=-O "Uh-oh"
~( 8^(I) Homer Simpson
Icon Meaning
:-! "Foot in mouth"
:-D Laughter
:*) Drunk smile
:@ Exclamation "What???"
:-@ Scream
:-0 Yell
%-( Confused
:-----) Long nose (Liar!)
:-.) Madonna
:-($) Put your money where your mouth is
(:I An egghead
|-O Yawning
:@) Pig smile
<(-_-)> Robot
d[-_-]b DJ with headphones
~:0 Baby
-@--@- Eyeglasses
\VVV/ King
\%%%/ Queen

16. More Webopedia References: Chat Abbreviations | Smiley Faces & Emoticons | Online Auction & Classified Ads Abbreviations | Online Personals Abbreviations | Guide to Forum Etiquette |

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